June 3, 2011

You Can’t Afford to Gamble Big

Filed under: Marketing Quick-Tip — admin @ 8:40 am

Resource strapped startups can’t afford to make big mistakes.

Make Little Bets to Discover Where to Focus your Bigger Efforts

Constant small-scale experimentation will help you navigate uncertainty and develop your next steps. Determine in advance how much you can afford to lose in your experiments, and expect to lose it. Consider it the price of knowledge.

Don’t try to avoid failure. Failure is how you learn. But fail fast, fail often, and fail on a scale you can afford.


June 2, 2011

Don’t Stick to What You Know

Filed under: Marketing Quick-Tip — admin @ 1:07 pm

The longer someone is working in an industry, the less likely they are to question traditions. Eventually “Because we have always done it that way” starts to sound like a good reason.

Venture Outside Your Area of Expertise

An entrepreneur’s advantage comes from seeing things differently, asking “why?” and “why not?”, and then finding creative new solutions to old problems.

With thanks to The Startup Daily


June 1, 2011

Don’t Get Out of Touch

Filed under: Marketing Quick-Tip — admin @ 8:38 am

It’s easy to lose touch with your customer’s needs when you are caught up in the day to day work of building your business.

Speak With at Least One Customer Every Day

Take advantage of every opportunity to have conversations with your customers. If you can’t find these opportunities, then it’s time to create some.

Nothing will keep you grounded better than daily contact with your customers.

Thanks to The Startup Daily

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