A dozen tips for working with a marketing firm
1. Treat them as insiders; share pertinent information liberally.
2. Always keep them “in the loop” on seemingly trivial as well as important decisions that may have an effect on sales and your marketing success.
3. Acquaint them with your corporate culture and key management staff.
4. When practical, introduce them to other key outsource vendors, such as their HR or CFO counterparts.
5. Have your staff members and other outsource vendors submit to them for review all internal and external communications that could have a possible impact on your corporate image and sales.
6. Meet or communicate with them regularly, not merely in last minute or emergency situations.
7. Neither discard, nor accept their advice, suggestions, copy-writing points or strategic advice without first understanding the rationale involved.
8. Respect their marketing expertise and heed the advice that results from it when doing so seems inherently warranted.
9. Read every communication they create carefully before approving it.
10. Never approve suggestions with which you are not comfortable.
11. Maintain what amounts to a “partner relationship” conducive to the development of mutual trust, constructive dialog, creative and strategic two-way input, and a level of synergy that promotes effectiveness.
12. Have an overall strategic plan, and amend it as may be required.
© Marketing Partners, Allan Starr 2004